Teaching an old dog new tricks
For the last 10+ years I've primarily been a C# / .NET developer. This ecosystem is great, there are thousands of great packages available. The one thing that's been irritating me of late is the challenge of running .NET in containers such as Docker.
As luck would have it, I recently got an opportunity to work on a new side project FairDealFx which I (perhaps stupidly) decided to do using the MEAN stack (MongoDb, ExpressJs, Angular and Node). I've done some javascript and typescript as part of web projects in the past, but not an entire application stack.
This undertaking began as an offer to help a friend out with a project he had been working on in his spare time. His prototype was working well but I didn't think it would scale too well, so I offered to help refactor it a bit. This is when I got entirely carried away and picked a whole new tech stack.